graciano codes

About me

rapaz branco de coque e camisa do flamengo fazendo hangloose com a mão Art by Moça da Gráfica

Hi, my name is Graciano, Brazilian, and I write code since 2008. Basically half of my life. I also write non code things on this website since 2019. If it’s not currently being updated, it will eventually come back. It always does.

I like the fediverse and I’m one of the maintainers of a mostly Portuguese speaking server at

The most relevant project I’m working on right now is a parliament vote count for the Brazillian proportional vote system. In Brazil, there still isn’t a way to check a partial visualization of the party divide on legislative houses before all of the votes are counted, and I want to change that. I’ve started this at the 2022 election and I expect it to fully work at the 2024 municipal elections. Another relevant project is tired todo, an anti-productivity todo list app, hosted on